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Mastering Your Craft

I am so excited!! It was like Christmas last night...I could barely sleep!! All the sweat and sacrifice is so worth it! And today I get to help my girl Ember Nevill, owner of Fired Up Fitness share the ‪‎turbo love‬!!!

As a Beachbody Ambassador, we are required to complete task to ensure we are trained and will be effective in teaching the format. My tasks today include presenting Musicality and PRO Team to these future TURBO Kick Live Instructors!!! When I present these two topics I am required to video and then submit them to the Development Manager of Beachbody. We are then critiqued and given feedback that allows us to master our craft.

Have you ever wanted to be an instructor? It is so rewarding! And the certification process for Beachbody formats make it comfortable and enjoyable.

Becoming an Instructor has changed my life and has opened up new doors! Step out of your comfort zone and become an instructor today!!!

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