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Who is your Role Model?

Have you ever meet someone that was unbelievable just so amazing that just made you feel that you had been best friends forever! That she has impacted your life in such a way you felt you owed so much! Well that is how I feel about my Role Model, Chalene Johnson.

Chalene Johnson is the creator of Turbo KICK, Turbo Jam, PiYo, Hip Hop Hustle, and so many more amazing fitness programs. She has touched the lives of millions of individuals not only in health and fitness but personal development and business. Her personality, charismatic and jovial ways will forever have you hooked. It is because of her I have become the person I am today. Because of her I have decided to become a Turbo KICK Instructor! Get ready Houston!

“Find someone who has a life that you want and figure out how they got it. Read books, pick your role models wisely. Find out what they did and do it.” ― Lana Del Rey

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